

The Butterfly Effect

In a chaotic system, the ability of miniscule changes in initial conditions (such as the flap of a butterfly's wings) to have far-reaching, large-scale effects on the development of the system(such as the course of weather a continent away)

The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear

"the butterfly effect" reveal a fact to us:don't ignore the tiny things because they may effect you deeply.I tell a story today to prove the butterfly effect.

I have a little brother.when he was a little child, my parent very loved him,even indulged him. I give a example here. first I explain,we all are son of soil. collecting firewood is a responsibility for a child of farmer. my little brother was given the responsibility of course. but one day, he get back home with ONE bush branch as collecting firewood! What a joke! It never happen before.no children did this before. but my parent obviously too love him,and they thought that is original! And praise him instead of blaming him.

At last ,he didn't finish his elementary course. he was effected by my parent's praise obviously. Maybe he thought quitting elementary is original!

This is a good example for "the butterfly effect"...
